So the final count-down is on with 3 days left for the campaign. That’s a lot of time to make that contribution/purchase. On the Indiegogo site, it shows up on the 2nd tier under the Photography section and in the Final Countdown. So far the numbers are at US$8,270.00, which is pretty good I say. With that amount, I can print 1,000 copies as opposed to my original 1,500, which was what I was originally aiming for. What it does mean that is the cost per book increases on my side. And hence, the retail book will now be at US$65, versus my original price of US$50.
final countdown
A few people have been asking me when the book will be physically printed. At the stage right now, the last draft of the written content for the text (about 8,000 words) was sent to my sub-editor and proofer last week. He says it will be ready by next week. The text for the foreword, introduction and preface has already been read over by him and all is fine. There still remains the Acknowledgements and Process, Inside  and Outside Jacket, which too has been written. If it all goes well without too much modification, then I should have everything ready within 2 weeks (as of this writing). By then, hopefully, the funds from Indiegogo would have arrived (they say it takes several weeks). This is the first time for me crowd-funding so the process is still new.
Printers in Hong Kong are plentiful. In fact, there is a small printing company next to door in the studio. And for that I have to finalize who I will be going with, as there are several that I have approached for quotations. The most expensive is the one that I have worked with several times already, as they know what I would require press check on all the images. They were also the ones that printed my second book, which I liked, although I found the finish to the artwork rather too shiny/glossy now after looking at it now. My taste is slowly changing. With the printers, it should take about a week for them to do the job, which to me is blazingly fast!
Again here it the link to the campaign: