Secret Constellations, 2004 Acrylic on canvas 88 x 113 cm One of my earliest paintings in the Windows of Memory series utilizing a baby blue colour for the background. Small rectilinear patches or windows of colour appear to pop off from the sea of blue. This painting...
Windows of Memory, No. 2, 2015Acrylic on canvas100 x 100 cm Patches of color in a field of background pastels. This the physical manifestations of listening to impressionistic emotional music compositions that bring a sense of peace and serenity to the living in a...
Windows of Memory, No. 3, 2015 Acrylic on canvas, 152 x 96 cm, SOLD. A continuation on the Windows of Memory series, the painting speaks about how we perceive memory in our daily conscious minds. For me, the memories are fragments of a previous reality of what once...
Windows of Memory, No. 4, 2015 Acrylic on canvas 126 x 125 cm The painting features patches of color against a pastel background, capturing the essence of impressionistic emotional music. These layers of color, initially laid down and then covered with varying pastel...
Windows of Memory, 2004 Acrylic on canvas 151 x 126 cm This painting is the first in the Windows of Memory series, dating back to 2004 and now considered vintage. It is an impressive piece painted in warm creamy sun yellow, ideal for a large living room or corporate...