Toronto – Abstraction & Shadow
In this series, my exploration of the dynamic city of Toronto centered on a dedicated pursuit of abstraction, where I sought to uncover the extraordinary within the ordinary by navigating the nuanced interplay of light and shadow. Throughout this series, my focus was acutely tuned to texture, purposefully manipulating each image to offer a distinctive perspective, separate from its original context. Instead of rigidly adhering to reality, my aim was to capture the aesthetic as perceived by my mind. Resisting the temptation to overly refine the images after an initial pass, I grappled with the urge to revisit and enhance them, exercising restraint to preserve the raw authenticity of my first instincts. Guided by a fusion of instinct and technical know-how, I reveled in the immersive experience of using my newly acquired Nikon Z7 with the 28-120mm lens, finding comfort and joy in the seamless transition to the world of mirrorless photography